Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Am I the only one who sees this?

Yesterday, I was disgusted by news that the “bin Laden” driver’s shadow court case was coming to a close. The case is based on coerced or secret evidence that wouldn’t see the light of day on the mainland. Apparently, even though it is on sovereign soil the federal government’s own rules don’t apply to them outside of the 50 states. That is disgusting enough. Then I read that, regardless of whether he is acquitted or not, he will not be going free. We intend to keep a hold of him for the rest of his life.
Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell on Aug 5, 2008 (pasted from the DoD website)
Q A quick follow-up on Hamdan there, on what you were saying on the trial. To critics who say -- what do you all say to critics who say that even though he goes through the trial, depending what the jury says, if he's guilty or not guilty -- if he's not guilty, he still stays in prison. How do you respond to that being what's considered a fair trial?

MR. MORRELL: Well, he would be -- even if he were acquitted of the charges that are before him, he would still be considered an enemy combatant and therefore would continue to be subjected to -- subject to continued detention. Of course, that said, he would also have the opportunity to go before the administrative review board and they could determine whether he is a suitable candidate for release or transfer. But in the near term, at least, we would consider him an enemy combatant and still a danger and would likely still be detained for some period of time thereafter.

But he could, of course, then challenge his enemy combatant status through the courts as well. And for more on that -- I think on the particulars of the legal process, I'd refer you to the Department of Justice.

As I read that, I thought. Aha! Now everyone will see these “tribunals” for what they really are, staged productions to appease the american people. Nope. Turns out noone actually cares.

So today I open my computer, and what should I see but some bullshit that bush intends to spew from Taiwan. He is going to speak about china’s awful detention policies. Does it detain them too long, George? Or does it detain the wrong ones? Perhaps if they concentrated on detaining only the “radical Muslims” you wouldn’t have to say anything at all.

Does no one else see the hypocrisy? Am I really much of a radical?