Tuesday, May 19, 2009

today I live, while tomorrow they die

Today is the national day of action for Troy Davis. Today I continue to do what I did yesterday, will do today and tomorrow and the day after that. In the near future while I am building a corral or filtering vegetable oil or feeding cows or playing with kittens, dogs, cats or boys Troy Davis will be killed. My life will go on. His will not. For what purpose? Not only is it very likely he is innocent of what he is accused of, but your government wants to kill him. They want to put him a little room and snuff out his life. Is that okay with you? In this busy time in our lives, take a couple of minutes and reflect on state sanctioned homicide. Your state has no more right to kill you than it does to kill Troy Davis, KSM, or any other person it deems unfit to live.
Please visit this amnesty international website to learn more about the unjust stats of american death penalty usage.

We are all Troy Davis. If we allow one unjust act after another to take place in our name, we will all be affected. You are farther from the bottom than Troy Davis, so it may take longer to reach you, but you will touched by injustice.

Stand up and take action!

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