Sunday, June 21, 2009

On the wings of the stars

As the sun sets on my humble home
It rises on a troubled people far away
Throughout the night they encouraged
Themselves and their brothers by shouting
Allah u Akbar, Allah u Akbar!

Tonight, in a far away land I raise my voice
I tell those who can hear me
That I am your brother
I offer you encouragement, through my cries
Allah u Akbar, Allah u Akbar!

I hope as darkness settles on your troubled land
The wings of the stars have carried my voice
To be mingled with yours
One in a chorus of hope, peace and love
Allah u Akbar, Allah u Akbar!

Our faces will never meet, but our words will
Ring in the ears of your oppressors
They ring in mine day and night
May all of humanity cry out until there is peace
Allah u Akbar, Allah u Akbar!


DVD said...

Stirring. Hear hear!

Erick said...

Excellent work; poignant and true. Thanks for posting.

LaurieJo said...

This is really great. Our voices are mingling with the Iranian oppressed and millions of others from around the world. I can only hope it helps.

Anna Casey said...

I am moved to tears once again for these people. Thank you for putting to words these thoughts that have rolled around in my head for days. You expressed it beautifully and I find myself repeating your words in my head.